Dies ist ein Archiv der Seite des Studierendenrates, wie sie bis zum 11.09.2018 bestand. Die aktuelle Seite findet sich auf https://www.stura.uni-heidelberg.de

Studierendenrat der Universität Heidelberg

English | Farsi
Der StuRa ist Mit­glied der LaStuVe BaWü, des fzs, des DAAD, des VSB, des bas, des ABS und des BDWi

Das Dschungelbuch
- der StuRa-Wegweiser durch die Uni

News von außerhalb:



Tuition fees for international students

Nearly all tertiary education providers in the state of Baden-Württemberg have introduced tuition fees as of Wintersemester 2017/18 for international students with residence outside the European Economic Area (EEA), in line with changes to the tertiary education regulations .


The social department of the student university council has compiled a list with a couple of methods for you, that tell you how you can exempt yourself from having to pay them. You can find it here.

Spread the word, and tell them to as many as possible!

We are also happy to provide advice to the best of our ability (email: soziales(at)stura.uni-heidelberg.de). Detailed information, however, is obtained from the academic international office.